Friday, October 28, 2016

Gender Equality workshop by Mrs Sumitra Gautama

15th Oct 2016

Mrs Sumitra Gautama, conducted a wonderful workshop on gender equality. Thanks to Sumitra Akka's warmth and openness, the students were enthusiastic participants! 

Thank you Sumitra Akka!

KPMG once again helped us sponsor the visit! Thank you team KPMG!

Report by teacher Susan:

GURUKULAM – A “Trust Children” School

Workshop on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

Saturday 15th October 2016
Workshop on Gender Equality and Female Empowerment
The workshop started at 10am with the students of XI, X, and XI standard, teachers and teaching assistants. The Principal and admin staff also joined the group in expressing their views on ideas how women can be on par with men and play a pivotal role in the development of the nation.
The Chairperson was Mrs Sumithra. It was with immense pleasure to welcome her. She is a multi-faceted personality and a very hardworking social activist. Her range of interests and activities are diverse, as she reaches out to different people and organisations.
The students participated with great enthusiasm and interest, as they read and spoke about topics such as dowry, women’s power, and girls’ education. Other topics touched upon how to achieve a profitable future, and the importance of being educated so that they become confident and stand on their own feet, one must be organised and use the freedom in the right way to ensure a safe path.
Mrs Sumithra began with a powerpoint presentation explaining the potential power and strength of women. Then she gave a statistical report of gender (in)equality, the demographics of India, and child labour. Her personal stories exemplified some of the data in practice. This was particularly interesting as it became more relatable.
5 groups were devised with each focusing on a specific gender-related issue that happens in India on a daily occurrence. The students then presented their groups’ thoughts and discussion, which led to further discussions with the whole workshop.

We personally thank K.P.M.G. for initiating and arranging this workshop. Overall it was enlightening, empowering and engaging for all. 

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