23 Nov 2024
Parents Teachers Meeting was conducted on the 23rd Nov 2024.
An interactive Parents-Teachers Meeting was conducted by Capt Nandkumar. Parents were forthcoming on the challenges on the NIOS Board and were deeply grateful to the sponsors and teachers who were giving a new life for their children.
Meeting as reported by our teacher:
Frequent parent-teacher meetings keep parents informed and opens up honest 2-way communications. It aids in creating a healthy environment to bring up issues if any.
Positive connections between parents and teachers are essential in ensuring a positive impact on students' academic potential. Not only will it help students-parents-teachers build trust, but it will also make them feel welcome and part of the Gurukulam family where we strive for the best in every child.
To make the discussions more meaningful our Founder and Managing Trustee Captain Nandkumar addressed the parents during his visit. The points that were discussed during the interaction were very healthy and need of the hour especially regarding the students who will be nearing their Board Examinations. It was an interactive session with both parents and teachers voicing their concerns.
Points discussed by Capt with the parents:
- Student’s attendance : How important it is for a student to attend the classes on a regular basis. Importance to attend the special class and weekly assessment by the (students from Grade VIII - XII).
- Parents to check the diary on a daily basis, as it’s important to understand the happenings in the school as well as the behavior of the children.
- General cleanliness of each and every student to follow : Grooming them regularly, wearing the school uniform neat & tidy, presenting themselves by wearing socks & shoes, maintaining their stationeries, textbooks & notebooks. Special mention about the recent price hike of their textbook and how it has to be maintained by the students.
- Obeying and showing respect to elders / teachers / co students.
- Parents should show their concern with regard to their children’s studies, discipline and overall development.
- Need to attend the PTM regularly
- Validate the NIOS certificate that is now equivalent to the Tamil Nadu Govt. certificate and can attend all types of competitive examinations.
Capt stressed on the need to inculcate discipline in children together by both parents and teachers. He reiterated the reason for starting the free school for underprivileged children was to:
1. Give an equal platform for the children in this world.
2. Build future generations with the right values and strength.
3. To nurture the child to his/her full academic potential.
Parents extended their happiness for the interaction that had been organised and assured to extend their cooperation towards the school, towards building a better future for their children.
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