Saturday, October 5, 2024

Mrs & Mr Dalal visit Gurukulam

 Mrs & Mr Dalal visited the school campus on 24th July 2024.

It was wonderful having them over. 

They expressed their sincere happiness towards the maintenance of the school premises as well as the discipline maintained right from the kindergarten children to grade 12. 

Principal Mrs Uma, Admin Manager Mr Naushad and Trustee Mrs Sabita had a good discussion with Mrs & Mr Dalal about the school and its scope.

In Mr Dalal's own words:

Kaety & I decided to go visit the place for a first hand feel of the project – not just photos and stories but actually see it in operation. We landed up on Wednesday 24/07/2024 w’out any prior notice & were very pleasantly surprised, overawed by what they are doing....

The school now has expanded to 3 buildings, housing 20 class rooms + 6 vocational training rooms, office space and other amenities. The school has (today) 230 children from class LKG to Xll, with 18 faculty + 5admin + 5 support staff. 

There is a desperate need to spruce up and upgrade the 3 school buildings with some extent of addition infrastructure. Also enhance the no and quality of staff and facilities. The project is respectfully laudable but certainly requires a lot more

*Consistent & Committed Support*

One-time / Random donations are most welcome but for a project of this nature to sustain and grow, where year on year, continuity is vital – it is absolutely essential for philanthropic donors to make some long / mid term enduring generous commitments of – 

say 5 years with any fixed amount of their choosing. 

Just as we all plan our family lives and finances – personal business – so does this noble educational enterprise need and deserve a continuous basic minimum blood line.


If you can personally visit – or depute your trusted representative to make a round of the school, I am sure you would be convinced and enthused that any commitment you make to this cause is worth every penny and more.

If you cannot visit in person or send someone – pls trust me, for the promoters have put their life’s earnings into this noble venture and without any recognition, reward, or position in the establishment – our family is heavily committing our limited affordable resources to the cause of this laudable educational enterprise. 


What the establishment needs is some committed inflow – nothing is binding on anyone in this world, but some hopeful pledge is necessary to plan & provide. 

There will always be the overriding caveat, the understanding that ~

So long as we can afford we will honour our commitment OR increase / decrease it as circumstance dictates.

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