Friday, April 2, 2021

Workshop with Teachers - Effective Training

 25th March 2021

It was a fruitful workshop on "Effective Training" with our teachers.

The teachers huddled, discussed and came up with what elements made teaching effective. Each group decided on what was the order of importance for them!

They then presented their work with aplomb!

Effective training is where:

The trainer knows the subject:

·       The Trainer has researched the subject thoroughly

·       The Trainer can answer most questions adequately or directs to an appropriate resource

·       The Trainer has sufficient depth of knowledge to be flexible in the training



The trainer is able to analyze and diagnose faults:

·       The Trainer can identify where the trainee is going wrong

·       The Trainer knows why the trainee is not performing

·       The Trainer has appropriate solutions for each fault



The training objectives are SMART:

·       The training objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound

·       The training objectives are agreed by the trainees

·       The Trainer is able to amend the objectives if necessary, during the training



The training is clear, concise and interesting:

·       The training is delivered so that it is easily understood

·       The Trainer uses a variety of tools to get the message across

·       The Trainer maintains the interest of the trainees



The training is responsive to how trainees like to learn:

·       Trainees are involved in the training

·       Trainees have opportunities to practice skills

·       Trainees are given time to reflect on what they have learnt

·       Trainees are able to ask questions



The trainer tests understanding to confirm learning:

·       The Trainer asks effective questions

·       The Trainer sets appropriate tests

·       The Trainer challenges trainees to demonstrates their learning



The trainer is approachable and supportive:

·       The Trainer is open and honest

·       The Trainer is relaxed, friendly and interested in trainees

·       The Trainer listens well and shows empathy to trainees

·       The Trainer asks for and is able to receive criticism well



The trainer is able to demonstrate well:

·       The Trainer is able to do what is being taught to a high standard

·       The Trainer is able to demonstrate clearly

·       The Trainer is also able to demonstrate how not to do it



The training is structured, organized and efficient:

·       It is well designed and has a logical structure

·       It is well organized

·       It runs efficiently with little waste of time, resources or use of equipment



There is good documentation, tools and equipment:

·       The documentation is clear, sufficient and easy to refer to

·       The tools and equipment used are relevant and in good working order

·       There is enough equipment and time for each trainee to use

·       The environment is suitable for learning


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