Thursday, March 28, 2024

Children's day Celebration - "Me in 10 years from now"

 14th Nov 2023

Madras Mylapore Round Table 3 (MMRT3) and Madras Mylapore Ladies Circle 4 (MMLC4) conducted a drawing competition on Children's Day.  

Topic for the day - "Me in 10 years from now"

Winners - Roshan from Grade 3; Priyadarshini and Radhika from Grade 5; Kamalesh from Grade 8.

The prize distribution was done by Ms. Suganthshri - MMLC4 Chairperson and Mr. Karthik - MMRT3 Chairperson along with other invitees who had joined us for the occasion.  Everyone encouraged the children for their effort and their art. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Pongal Celebration at Gurukulam

 Pongal celebration was organised on 12th January 2024, the programme started with lighting -the-lamp by Captain's Mother to have an auspicious beginning. 

 Students were encouraged to participate in various cultural programs throughout the week leading to Pongal, to showcase their talents. This was organised by our Tamil department.  

Students performed various dances, singing, rangoli and debate sessions through the week. 

Teachers have explained about what Pongal celebration mean - to thank the Sun, Mother Nature and the various farm animals that help to contribute to a bountiful harvest. 

Celebrated over four days, Pongal also marks the beginning of the Tamil month called "Thai", which is considered an auspicious month.