Dr Sylendra Babu, Inspector General of Police took a class that none of us can ever forget...
With all his committments as the IG of Police, it was heartening to see him taking time from his busy schedule to inspire economically under privileged children. He has been conducting regular classes in karate, being a Black Belt himself, for economically under privilegedchildren. Today, he took it upon himself to personally inspire our children from Gurukulam.
Our children, also in turn, put up a lovely demonstration....today, Pragadeesh of Class V took everyones heart by his rendering of Seienchin kata
Our kids are busy with karate practice...upgrading themselves, thanks to Sensei Ravi and Sensei Murali.
That is not all... Vinu, the tall tale teller is busy getting our kids ready for a play "wizard of Oz" for the school reopening day...yes, the same play that they witnessed a few months ago.
The teachers have been busy preparing their lesson plans... It is touching to see the dedication of our teachers who have been at school regularly, beyond the call of duty :-)